Abolish Abortion Texas
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The Mission Statement ofAbolish Abortion Texas

Our mission is to abolish abortion in Texas by mobilizing Christians to influence civil government in obedience to the Great Commission.

Core principlesWhat We Believe


Follow the Constitution

A “right to an abortion” is not only unconstitutional, it is anti-constitutional and evil. When a court decision ignores the Constitution, our civil leaders are oath-bound to ignore that decision, so help them God.


Provide Equal Protection

Preborn people should be protected by the same laws protecting born people. No one should have a license to kill them.


Do Not Appease Evil

Legislation or anything else that attempts to comply with Roe v. Wade (or its progeny) is wrong. Tyranny and evil must be resisted, not legitimized.

The TragedyAbortion in Texas

Abortions in Texas Annually
Pro-life laws enacted since Roe v. Wade