Testimony Opportunity – State Affairs Committee Hearing

Dear friend,

I have some bad news and some good news.

The bad news is that no one in the Texas Senate has filed a companion bill for HB 3326 to Abolish Abortion in Texas and today (Friday) was the deadline for filing. Despite the fact that our State Senate is majority Republican, and abolishing abortion is a Texas Republican Party platform plank, legislative priority, AND principle, they have chosen to sit on their hands and wait on abolition.

But there is good news as well:

The Senate State Affairs Committee is holding a hearing IN THREE DAYS on Monday, March 15 at 9:00 a.m. in the Senate Chamber to discuss many of the abortion/pro-life related bills that have already been filed in the Senate. Public testimony is expected to start at noon. There is notan opportunity to testify virtually.

Perhaps the State Affairs Committee is hoping no one will call them out on the lack of ANY bills filed in the Senate that would abolish abortion and provide equal protection to all in our state like HB 3326 filed in the House by Rep. Bryan Slaton.

This is an excellent opportunity for Abolitionists in Texas to speak up for the preborn.

This is my request: Come to Austin on Monday and testify with me. Since no abolition bills are being discussed, you can sign up to testify about the bills that are being discussed. Talk about abolition. Talk about the need to treat abortion as murder, rather than regulate it the way we already have for the last 48 years.

This is your opportunity to stand up and speak up for the preborn. This is our chance to answer God’s command that we rescue those being taken to the slaughter (Proverbs 24:11) and to open our mouths for the mute (Proverbs 31:8).

This is YOUR golden opportunity to love the least of these.

If you think you can make it, please send us a quick RSVP using the form below. If you can’t make it please pray for our elected leaders and we will let you know about future opportunities to come to Austin this session.

Let’s work together to hold our elected officials accountable, and urge them to honor the value of human life from the moment of fertilization.

I hope to see you on Monday!

For Life and Liberty,

Bradley Pierce

Bradley Pierce
Executive Director
Abolish Abortion Texas

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