The speech on life that Trump SHOULD have given

Yesterday morning, former president Donald Trump released a video statement detailing his current position on abortion.

I say current position because over the years his statements on abortion have been inconsistent.[1]

In his video on Truth Social yesterday, Trump made it clear that he believes rape-conceived and IFV-conceived babies should NOT be protected by law in any state.  

He even falsely states that the overturn of Roe v. Wade took this matter out of federal hands and put it in the hands of the states alone.

He says all of this while ignoring the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution that every U.S. President, Supreme Court justice, and member of Congress swears to uphold.

No state shall… deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”

This is not only a weak position for the front-running Republican candidate for president to hold. It is a dereliction of duty and an affront to God. It is a declaration of surrender.

The position Trump expressed yesterday is one that principled, God-fearing Americans should oppose loudly and clearly.

The speech Trump should have given

In response, I made the speech on life that I believe President Trump should have given. 

You can watch it at the top of this post or right here.

I hope this message will reach President Trump and that he will repent and support abolition and equal protection.

Thank you for standing with us until every baby is equally protected by law.

For life, for justice, and for the glory of God,

Bradley Pierce

Bradley Pierce
Abolish Abortion Texas
Foundation to Abolish Abortion

