Why would a pastor leave the Pro-Life lobby?

What would cause a pastor to leave a leadership position he held for over four years with Pro-Life organization Louisiana Right to Life and start calling himself an abolitionist?

Does that seem strange to you?

After all, whether we call ourselves pro-life or abolitionist, aren’t we all on the same team?

We just want babies to be protected, right?

That’s what Louisiana pastor Brian Gunter thought when he started working to end abortion in his state.

Pastor Gunter shared his story with us at the Foundation to Abolish Abortion (FAA) Church Leaders Conference in Houston.

He spent years working inside the Pro-Life establishment. He saw over and over and over again how Pro-Life leaders often BETRAY the very babies they claim to be fighting for. His experience sent him looking for a better and more righteous way. But he never expected what the Pro-Life establishment would do after he helped a bill get filed to abolish abortion in Louisiana.

If you were not there to hear Brian’s message, I encourage you to watch it now. He delivered a POWERFUL message with key insights about fighting abortion in a post-Roe world.

Friend, if you believe that life begins at conception…

If you believe every baby is created in the image of God…

If you believe that life must be protected from the moment of conception to natural death…

If you believe that to take an innocent life is homicide and our laws should equally protect all human beings in all stages of life…

If that’s what you believe…

Whether you call yourself pro-life or abolitionist, this message is for YOU.

Pastor Gunter says:

“For years when I was calling myself pro-life that's what I meant by pro-life.

But I've come to find that is not what those in leadership nationally and in Pro-Life organizations across our nation mean when they use the term pro-life.

So I've decided to call myself an abolitionist to make it clear that I believe that abortion must be ended immediately in Jesus name, without exception without compromise, and without any apology, because babies are being murdered and it must end!

We are at a crossroads in the fight against abortion in our time.

Are we going to fight for the equal protection of the laws for precious preborn babies?

Or will we continue following cowardly, compromised, worldly strategies that neither honor God’s commands nor show love to our preborn neighbors?

God says that He hates partiality and that unequal weights and measures are an abomination to Him.

We MUST repent of all the ways we have practiced partiality in this fight. And then we must bear fruit in keeping with repentance and commit ourselves to fighting the evil of abortion by doing God’s will God’s way and trusting Him to bring the victory.

Please watch Pastor Gunter’s message above and be encouraged; if God is for us, who can be against us?

For life, for justice, and for the glory of God,

Bradley Pierce

Bradley Pierce
Abolish Abortion Texas
Foundation to Abolish Abortion


P.S. The Church Leaders Conference was hosted by the Foundation to Abolish Abortion (FAA). FAA’s mission is to exalt and vindicate the image of God by promoting sound public policy that provides all preborn human beings the equal protection of the laws. Our dedicated partners keep this work STRONG! During this critical time in the battle your donation of $50, $100, $250 or more will keep us in the fight as an uncompromising voice for ALL babies until EVERY baby is legally protected.