David Lowe is hitting for a home run!

David Lowe is hitting for a home run!

Principled Candidates are Hard to Find

It’s getting harder every day for Republican candidates running for office in Texas to merely mouth generic Pro-Life talking points but do next to nothing to protect preborn babies once they are in office.

Trite Pro-Life slogans alone aren’t good enough for people who want abortion to actually be abolished.

Grassroots Texas Republicans Want Abolition

This is very clear at the grassroots level of the Republican Party of Texas (RPT), which has made abolishing abortion and providing constitutional equal protection to preborn babies part of its Principles, Platform, and Legislative Priorities.

People all across Texas are demanding more than vague promises about the sanctity of life from their lawmakers. They want babies to be protected by the same laws that protect the rest of us, and they want those protections NOW, not in another fifty years.

There are a growing number of people who just want to practice the Golden Rule toward preborn Texans and make sure that we are doing for them the same things we want done for us. That’s really encouraging to see!

But year after year, candidates promise to protect life, yet when the time comes to actually follow the Principles of their own Party to uphold the Constitution and establish equal protection, most don’t follow through on their campaign promises.

What does an abolitionist sound like?

That’s why it’s exciting to see more candidates like David Lowe (HD 91)  running for office!

Here’s a candidate who doesn’t tip-toe around how to deal with the murder of babies in Texas. Lowe boldly says, “The only thing we need to do is abolish abortion. Period.” [1]

He’s definitely right about that. If legislators put ALL their effort into abolishing abortion completely by providing Constitutional equal protection and ignoring the Roe v. Wade decision, there wouldn’t be anything else to do.

Why keep chopping at the branches when you can go straight to the root?

We don’t need laws that treat abortion like healthcare when we can abolish it as murder instead.

Lowe makes it clear he isn’t a fan of just running all the plays in the fight against the evil of abortion. He says, “You don’t try to hit singles, you try to hit home runs.

On the other hand, Lowe’s opponent in House District 91, Stephanie Klick, has been unwilling to even run the one play that will ACTUALLY abolish abortion. Instead, Klick just supports legislation that treats abortion like healthcare instead of as a crime against humanity. And when she had the chance as committee chair to make sure HB 3326, the bill to abolish abortion, would get a hearing… she killed it.

It is ASTONISHING to me that Pro-Life politicians who kill abolition bills even get called Pro-Life Heroes for doing so by the Pro-Life lobby!

It is OUTRAGEOUS that some who call themselves pro-life refuse to treat preborn babies the same way they want to be treated themselves. Don’t they believe that the life of a preborn baby has the same value as their own life?

Equal protection is commanded by God and required by the Constitution. Abolishing abortion immediately is part of the Principles, Platform, and Legislative Priorites of grassroots Texas Republicans.

Candidates for public office should never be ashamed to follow righteous principles, whether they are found in the Bible, the Constitution, or their own political Party. In this case, the principle of equal protection is found in all three!

That’s why it is refreshing to hear straight talk from a candidate.

Do you know one thing David Lowe has said inspired him to run for office?

It was our work during the last legislative session when several dozen AATX supporters went door-to-door in Klick’s district to inform the people in HD 91, including Lowe, about what Klick was doing to kill the bill to abolish abortion. Lowe saw then the need for principled candidates who won’t compromise with the lives of babies and he decided to take a stand.

Lowe doesn’t mince words. He said,

If you’re thinking about regulating abortion instead of abolishing abortion, you’re not thinking about the little babies being murdered.

There is not a single issue more important than this one … I would be willing to give my life to get this passed.

I will tell you right now, right here, that I am an abolitionist and I will only fight for the complete abolition of abortion.” [1]

These are bold words.

This is exactly what we’re working for, so it’s great to hear candidates talking like this.

David has announced that he’ll stand for nothing less than abolishing abortion.

Yet some opponents of abolition have tried to twist this to make it sound like he’s anti-life.


He’s just declared that instead of pruning the branches of the tree of death, he’d rather chop it down at the roots.

Instead of feeding and bowing down to the evil giants, he’d rather slay them.*

*metaphorically speaking, of course. 🙂

Please pray for David, and pray that truth and justice would prevail.

The work to abolish abortion is making a difference!

It’s very exciting to see that the hard work we are doing to keep Texas voters informed about what their candidates are doing is paying off and bringing principled candidates into the political arena.

Are you weary of candidates who mouth Pro-Life words but kill the bill abolish abortion?

Are you fed up with politicians who ignore the Constitution and continue to treat abortion like healthcare instead of a crime?

Are you indignant that many Pro-Life legislators won’t simply practice the Golden Rule toward innocent preborn babies?

Are you happy with the status quo in Texas, or do you want to see real change?

If you’re excited about having principled, God-fearing candidates taking a bold stand, then please help us continue to do the CRITICAL work of keeping voters informed and holding politicians accountable.

Invest in the work! Become a monthly Sustaining Member TODAY.

YES, I want to Help!

We are grateful for every single person who is standing with us in this fight. Your work is making a difference!

For life, for justice, and for the glory of God,

Bradley Pierce

Bradley Pierce
Abolish Abortion Texas

[1] https://youtu.be/Sx78N6jCWEQ