Have we fully lived up to our Declaration?

Have we fully lived up to our Declaration?

On July 4, 1776 our Founding Fathers signed the Declaration of Independence. This historic act signaled the beginning of the American War for Independence from Great Britain.

They wrote,

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.

While no nation (including the United States) has ever perfectly lived up to this ideal, the Declaration announced an ideal worth pursuing for all people.

We know this is true because the Bible tells us so. God’s Word tells us that humans are made in the image of God. Because of this fact, we are all worthy of protection from murder.

These truths are evident…

Today, the truth is that the right to life is not protected for preborn children anywhere in this country. The overturning of Roe v. Wade did not secure these unalienable rights for our most helpless neighbors at the state or federal level.

Even in Texas, where many claim abortion is “banned”, it is still legal for any pregnant woman to abort her own baby on Texas soil as long as she does it herself. In fact, we estimate that at least 20,000 abortions are still carried out in Texas each year by using mail-order abortion pills.1 Another 35,000 women travel out-of-state for abortions.2

Two years after Roe was overturned, even while some are saying that Texas is abortion-free, estimates indicate that over 55,000 Texas babies are still being murdered by abortion each year.

The point is, Texas abortions appear to be as prevalent as ever. Our preborn neighbors need protection NOW, and they need YOUR help.

What can we do?

This Independence Day we are asking you to do two things:

  1. Call your state representatives. Ask them to support equal protection for the preborn.

  2. Become an AATX Sustaining Member. Become a monthly donor to support our mission to Abolish Abortion in Texas.

Our Board members, staff, and volunteers are working hard to advocate for preborn babies in Texas, but ultimately we want to mobilize hundreds of thousands of Christians in Texas to carry out this fight.

We cannot do this alone, we need your help!

The Founding Fathers won independence for this country, but victory came at great personal cost.

  • Of the 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence: 5 were captured by the British, and tortured before they died
  • 12 had their homes burned down
  • 2 lost their sons to the war
  • 2 had their sons captured
  • 9 fought and died from wounds or other difficulties related to the war

Sometimes doing what is right comes at great cost.

Though the cost to us may not be the same as those who fought for independence, we know that the fight to abolish abortion in Texas will not be an easy one. Even so, it is one in which we will engage no matter how long it lasts, and no matter how difficult it becomes.


Because children in the womb are created in the image of God just like we are, and they have an unalienable right to life just like we do.

Will you join us in this fight?

All Glory to God,

Paul Brown

Paul Brown
Director of Policy
Abolish Abortion Texas

P.S. We can’t win this fight alone. Please join us as a Sustaining Member today to help keep us in the fight until every baby in Texas is equally protected by law.


  1. https://faa.life/sma
  2. https://guttmacherinstitute.github.io/provision-dashboard/