You can help us lay the groundwork now.
Many candidates who took our AATX Candidate Survey and pledged to abolish abortion in Texas were very successful in the Republican primary!
While the Texas legislature doesn’t convene until after the General Election, now is a great time to lay the groundwork for our equal protection bills to succeed when the next session starts in January.
The first thing YOU can do to help.
First, you can reach out to your representatives in the Texas State House and Senate (Find them here) and ask them to support a bill of equal protection in the next session.
There were many upsets in the recent primaries, so be sure to do a little digging to find out if your representatives will be returning to Austin in January. If they want to see an example, show them Senate Bill 2198 that was filed in 2023.
While asking your representatives to support Equal Protection is something you can (and should) always be doing, it’s not the only thing you can do.
The second thing you can do to help
Something else you can do right now to help equal protection succeed in the next session is ask your State House Representative to support a House Speaker who will support equal protection under the law for the preborn.
You see, for the last two Regular Sessions, House Speaker Dade Phelan has assigned our abolition bills to committees where they die without a hearing.
In 2021, he assigned our bill to the Public Health Committee, chaired by one of his lieutenants, Stephanie Klick. She refused to even give it a hearing, so it never received a vote. Klick has paid the price of that decision, and was defeated by abolitionist candidate David Lowe in the most recent primary.
Then in 2023, Phelan assigned our abolition bill to the Criminal Jurisprudence committee, chaired by none other than Democrat Joe Moody, who was named a Legislative Champion by Planned Parenthood!
The reality is that, as Speaker of the House, Dade Phelan has already delayed justice for preborn babies in Texas for four years in a row. With over 50,000 abortions per year amongst Texas women, that’s over 200,000 babies who could have and should have been equally protected under the law. But they weren’t.
The Speaker of the Texas House holds a lot of power.
Unfortunately, Phelan could be voted in as the House Speaker again for the 2025 session and once again have the power to kill our bills of equal protection for babies, unless Phelan repents and supports equal protection.
AATX Pledge signer David Covey challenged Phelan for his House seat in the Republican primary, and was only narrowly defeated after hundreds (possibly thousands) of Democrats voted in the primary runoff, ensuring Phelan’s victory.
Now is a great time to ask your state House representative to demand that candidates for Speaker promise to do everything they can to ensure that equal protection under the law for preborn babies gets a hearing in the next session.
We don’t want another speaker who will kill bills of equal protection by assigning them to dead-end committees. If Texas babies are ever going to be equally protected, abolition bills need to get hearings, get committee votes, and be heard on the House and Senate floors so they can be passed and signed by the Governor.
Your voice matters. But it won’t if you don’t use it.
Call and email your representatives today!
- Ask your House and Senate representatives to support a bill of equal protection in the next session.
- Ask your House representative to support a Speaker of the House candidate who will support bills of equal protection.
All Glory to God,
Paul Brown
Director of Policy
Abolish Abortion Texas